Fan Heaters

Fan heaters are an efficient, easy and quick way to warm up small to medium sized enclosed spaces when you need it the most. Depending on the specification, some fan heaters can be wall mounted as well as free standing and boast multiple heat settings. Keeping warm in the colder months can be challenging, but with our range of fan heaters from brands such as SIP Industrial and Broughton, you can be sure of a warm winter.

What are fan heaters?

Fan heaters work by converting electric energy into heat energy by running the current over an internal resistive heating coil. The heater then draws air in using the fan, which runs the cool over the heating coil element until it is suitably warm. The now heated air is then propelled out of the fan heater and into the room.

Why use fan heaters?

Fan heaters are extremely useful due to their portability and relatively small stature. They are a cost effective alternative to a more permanent solution and can easily be transported to your desired location.

When are fan heaters used?

Fan heaters are used generally in colder months to heat enclosed spaces. They are ideal for use in offices, break rooms, workshops, garages and general staff areas. Fan heaters offer portability and can be moved into your desired room for heating and then safely stored away when not needed in the warmer seasons. Some fan heaters can also be wall mounted to be a more permanent fixture of the room also.

Fan heater types

Fan heaters come in many shapes and sizes, but can generally be split into three wide categories, all with various specifications.

PTC   -   PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) fan heaters have internal ceramic heating discs to help heat the air.

Free standing   -   As it sounds, free standing fan heaters are usually supplied on a base or legs to stand up in your desired room.

Wall mounted   -   These type of fan heaters are designed to be screwed into the wall for more permanent heating.

Considerations when choosing a fan heater

• Voltage - Higher voltage systems are more efficient as they lose less energy from resistance but may cost more to run and be louder than lower voltage fan heaters.

• Heat settings - Fan heaters can often boast multiple heat settings to offer various temperatures as well as different output levels.

• Free standing vs wall mounted - Whilst some fan heaters are either solely free standing or wall mounted, some possess the ability to be either. It's always best to check the product specification to ensure you find the right product for your needs.

• Energy efficiency - When checking for energy efficiency in fan heaters, look for whether the product is ErP compliant, as this means the fan heater is energy efficient as per the guidelines set out by the EU. Some fan heaters also possess a thermostatically controlled automatic cut off to disengage the product when your desired temperature has been reached. PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) heaters are also more energy than other types of fan heater.

Fan heater jargon buster

We want to make it easy for you, so here are some key terms that will help you understand the differences in the range a little better.

What does a PTC heater mean?

PTC stands for Positive Temperature Coefficient. PTC fan heaters possess ceramic heating discs which allows the electrical current in the fan heater to flow more efficiently at lower temperatures than at high temperatures.

So what does this mean for you?

Put simply, fan heaters that are PTC are more cost and energy efficient and deliver excellent heat production in small and medium spaces whilst also having a lower power requirement than other fan heaters.


Are fan heaters safe?

As with any electrical appliance, fan heaters can pose a risk if used incorrectly. Fan heaters should not be left on overnight or unattended, as they do pose a risk of overheating, although most modern fan heaters possess a thermostatically controlled automatic switch off function or a safety overheat cutout to safeguard against this. Fan heaters should be placed on a level surface where there is no risk of it being knocked over, at least one metre away from any flammable materials. It's also crucial that you don't plug your fan heater into an extension cable, as this increases the risk of electrical overload.

Are fan heaters better than oil heaters?

Fan heaters are generally smaller, lighter, more cost efficient to run and heat up air far quicker than oil heaters do. Oil heaters are usually better at heating larger rooms, but when it comes to small to medium enclosed areas, fan heaters are the superior choice. Both fan and oil heaters offer the same efficiency in terms of energy usage, they only differ in the method by which they heat the air.

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