Girder Trolleys

Girder trolleys, also known as beam trolleys or hoist trolleys, are mechanical devices used in material handling to move loads horizontally along a beam or girder. They are commonly used in industrial settings, construction sites, and warehouses to transport heavy items or equipment between locations. Girder trolleys are versatile and can be attached to various lifting equipment, such as hoists, chain blocks, or wire rope hoists, to facilitate horizontal movement. At Cromwell, we have a wide range of girder trolleys across a range load capacity, beam sizes, and safety features to suit your needs.

Regulation Information

LOLER applies to ALL lifting equipment used for work purposes, even if it was manufactured and put into use before LOLER came into force in 1998. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 applies to all work equipment, including lifting equipment, and requires workplaces to provide suitable and safe equipment for the task, along with proper training. Work equipment must be maintained and inspected and related risks prevented or controlled.

Pre-use checks must be carried out on lifting equipment. The purpose of these pre-use checks is to identify faulty equipment; this is not the same as routine thorough examination and inspections but in addition to them at each use. All lifting equipment requires to be thoroughly examined by a qualified competent person at various points, as required by PUWER, to maintain efficient working order.

Regulation Jargon Buster

LOLER - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
HASWA - Health and Safety at Work Act
WAH - Work / Working at Height

Please note that the products in this category are not suitable for lifting people; please consult the manufacturer's data sheet for more information.

For the further information and full details of your legal responsibilities:
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment (LOLER) Regulations 1998 - AcoP - L113

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